The eight weeks in these sessions with DSLBD, Marshall And Congress Heights have been Awesome. I'm so Thankful to live in DC. With all the negativity seen on TV and the internet, it feels so great to be apart of something good! This opportunity is #WinWin! The resources and information received during this program is priceless.
Having a positive impact in my community, is my goal! One day I'm going to have a storefront where people can come for fun, social connectiveness, creativity and encouragement. Hopefully, in my community, SE DC Ward 7. We need a place, East of the River, where creating is consistent without traveling across town or to Maryland or Virginia.
Special Thanks to the Anacostia Arts Center for being so welcoming and resourceful! I sent an email and you responded. It showed me that you care! Plus the T & A's are so awesome with The Hive! Thank you for providing me and other small business owners with a beautiful creative space!
#Ward7 #Ward8 #LearnSomethingNew #EachOneTeachOne #SmallBusinessPitch #TheBeautifulBrownRainbow #DIY #ArtsandCrafts #WeAreAllWinners #KeepPushing #AlwaysGrateful #Washingtonian #SEDC #ProudNative