Our Journey
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Arts and Crafts is all about making a positive impact in the community. Crafting goes beyond just being fun; it's a therapeutic journey. My mission revolves around educating and inspiring others with a variety of DIY projects. Being self-taught and constantly exploring new crafts is what keeps me motivated. I take pride in meticulously handcrafting products in small batches, embodying the essence of the brand.
"The Beautiful Brown Rainbow" holds a special place as the title of the first poem I penned back in 2010. It emerged as a means of self-expression during tumultuous times in Washington, DC's inner city, mirroring the present. Poetry became my outlet.
The logo, featuring a giraffe, symbolizes tethered cord syndrome (TCS) and carries the message, "Keep your head to the sky and your feet on the ground." In early 2020, our daughter was diagnosed with TCS, leading to spinal surgery in December of the same year at just 15 months old. Her lower back scar serves as a constant reminder of her rare neurological disorder. Through our brand, we aim to shed light on TCS and foster awareness.
The Beautiful Brown Rainbow
There are so many shades in it, Somewhere for us all to fit in,
I love being a part of something so majestic, That others sometimes think is pessimistic,
Tan, yellow, chocolate, mocha, dark chocolate, caramel and mavbe even vanilla
So many beautiful shades, how can one ignore
Its way to beautiful to not adore
The beautiful brown rainbow that I love to see
For others it may be a mystery, It is definitely beauty to me, We are all apart of one rainbow The one filled with love and hope
That helps us all to cope
When times get hard, just look in the mirror and smile Look at your beautiful brown rainbow skin for a while
Know you were created by the Creator
So, don't sweat any of the haters
Hold your head up high
There is no time to sigh
Be proud of who you are and don't let anyone discourage you by far
You are a part of the Beautiful Brown Rainbow
What is tethered cord syndrome?
Our goal is to bring awareness to the rare spinal disorder that can cause serious neurological issues. We are in no way providing medical advice and are only interested in bringing awareness to this disorder as parents. Spinal cords move freely in the spinal canal as we grow from children to adults. Tethered Cord Syndrome (TCS) occurs when tissue is attached to the spinal cord and limits its movement. We noticed the "crooked butt" when she was born; however, we didn't notice the sacral dimple (it was hidden from plain sight) until after her bath one day at six months. I mentioned the finding to her pediatrician at that time, who recommended an ultrasound. Our current pediatrician (as well as her surgeon) adamantly mentions at every appointment that she could have been diagnosed sooner. As parents, we don't have a trained eye or expertise to know what to look for. A medical professional should have noticed when she was examined since her signs were visible.
Once abnormalities occur, they're irreversible. Early detection is important. I joined a Facebook group after our daughter was diagnosed, and it is truly hard to not get emotional seeing the many children around the world affected by something that causes serious neurological issues if unknown and untreated (surgery).
Some visible signs in babies: sacral dimple, asymmetrical gluteal cleft (crooked butt crack), skin discoloration, or a hairy patch on the lower back.
Some Symptoms in Older Children and Adults: Multiple leg issues such as pain, numbness, tingling, and deformities; bowel and bladder problems; motor skills issues; back pain; changes in the way the feet look (curled toes); walking on the tip of your toes; or an abnormal curve of the spine.
If you have any questions, feel free to send an email. We are still learning about TCS ourselves, and our daughter has to see her neurosurgeon every year until she is a teenager.